
donderdag 26 januari 2012

From one blog to an other

Thanks to MyBlogAnnel, a fun blog about almost everything, I received the 'Liebster Blog Award'. My first award, jeej!

The award is given to blogs with less than 200 followers. If you receive such an award:
- you thank the one who gave you the award by posting a link
- you give the award on to five other blogs (and you let them know by a comment on their blog)
- you hope that the award will be passed by to other ones

I will give the award to these five inspiring blogs:
The war of nail polish
The blogging sisters 
Happy Interior Blog

Hope they like the award as much as I do :-)

With love

PS: From now on, you can follow us on our facebookpage. Click HERE to follow us. 
Don't be shy, everybody is welcome !

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